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You can talk to us

We specialize in various mental health conditions and issues. Our mental health professionals provide individualized support and believe in treating the person as a whole. We aim to meet your mental health needs and help you regain your life back. We are always here for you and willing to listen and support you as you overcome your struggles.

How We Help

At LivingWell Psychiatry & Wellness, we conduct a comprehensive assessment of your mental health needs to create a rehabilitation treatment accordingly. We will discuss with you the interventions, behavior modification planning, coping skills, and other support necessary to make you whole again.

woman talking to therapist on sofa at home
stressed man having meeting with his doctor

Conditions We Specialize

Clinical depression or major depressive disorder is a serious mental health condition that negatively affects how a person acts, feels, and thinks. Do you experience an intense feeling of sadness or hopelessness? Are there changes in your sleeping pattern, appetite, or weight? That could be signs of depression. Get professional help from us.
Anxiety Disorder
Anxiety is a normal response to stress. However, persistent and excessive anxiety or fear of a situation, activity, place, or object could be signs of an anxiety disorder. This mental health condition can keep a person from living normally and can affect day-to-day functioning. Get professional help from us.
Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder is characterized by extreme shifts of depressive and manic episodes. This disorder can cause a person to have extreme negativity, timely changes in attitude and personality, and bad relationships with friends and family. If you are experiencing these shifts in mood, get professional help from us.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by the person’s inability to focus for a long time, as well as being hyperactive and impulsive. ADHD makes it difficult for a person to keep up with work or school and other daily activities. If you experience the symptoms of ADHD, get professional help from us.
Insomnia is a sleep disorder that causes a person to have trouble falling or maintaining sleep. As a result, it makes the person irritable, feel fatigued and sleepy, and have difficulties concentrating during the daytime. If this is the case for you, do not hesitate to get professional help from us.
During a psychosis episode, the person may have abnormal thinking and perceptions that make them unsure about what’s real. This often occurs as a result of a psychiatric illness and causes them to experience hallucinations, delusions, chaotic speech, and off-the-wall behavior. To manage a psychotic disorder, get professional help from us.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
OCD is an anxiety disorder that involves a pattern of unwanted thoughts and fears or obsessions that makes a person do repetitive behaviors or compulsions. When it gets server, it can cause the person extreme distress and can affect their daily life. If you experience symptoms of OCD, get professional help from us.
Substance Abuse
Most individuals who fall into substance abuse use this as a way to cope with problems and challenges in life. Substance abuse is more than just dependence on substances. It is also rooted in psychological, emotional, and social challenges. If you suffer from substance abuse, know that we are here to help you. Get professional help with us.


We are here to listen and provide you with support. Our staff is always available to answer your inquiries. Feel free to reach us here.